Nokia’s “not enthusiastic” about touchscreens — Apple, LG, and HTC say wha?

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Nokia’s General Manager of Mobile Devices, Antti Vasara, had some interesting things to say in an interview with Sweden’s E24.SE this morning. Of course, the fact that the E90 ramp-up has begun is notable, especially if you happen to be reading this in Finland where the first shipments of the hotly anticipated communicator will rollout. However, what we found to be most enlightening is Nokia’s take on the recent trend towards high-end touchscreen displays — a la the LG Prada, HTC Touch, and Apple iPhone.

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Google sez Vista Search discourages, hurts consumers

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C’mon Google, you can’t seriously be upset that you can’t get your search engine integrated into every piece of software known to man, right? Actually, it appears that the search giant can indeed bust out the whiner card on occasion, and it has apparently done just that in regard to the Vista Search that’s built into Microsoft’s latest OS. Reportedly, Google accused Microsoft of “designing Vista to discourage users from running its indexing and search software,” and a company spokesman even went so far as to claim that Redmond’s current approach “violates its agreement with the government and hurts consumers.” Google’s gripes start to grow legs when you consider just how difficult it is to actually disable or modify Vista’s ingrained search tactics, and while Microsoft has supposedly stated that it is “committed to going the extra mile to resolve this issue,” there doesn’t look to be any timetables set for giving users the ability to choose just yet.

[Thanks, Dinraj P.]


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Nokia fires off another patent suit in Qualcomm’s direction

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If you’ve been a bit disappointed by Nokia‘s offerings of late, it’s probably because the firm is shifting out of the cellphone industry and into the legal environment. Okay, so maybe it hasn’t called it quits in the handset game just yet, but this ongoing battle with Qualcomm is beyond ridiculous. Before Qualcomm even had time to swallow the previous counter-suit filed against it, Nokia is firing away again, and this time it’s claiming that its opponent “has illegally used six of its technology patents in its Brew smartphone and MediaFlo mobile TV chipset products.” Additionally, Nokia’s CTO got vocal by stating that this case was just “another example where Qualcomm has effectively copied Nokia’s innovations.” While we’re sure it’s getting difficult to decipher which counter-lawsuit belongs to which original grievance, this particular one apparently links to an April 2nd filing where Qualcomm “claimed that Nokia had infringed three patents.” C’mon folks, why not settle this like they do in the Alabama State Senate? [Warning: Read link requires subscription]

[Via Yahoo]


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