NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX triple-SLI rig benched

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Looks like the first NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX cards have made their way out in the world — officially announced or not — and TweakTown’s got the benches. Performance gains seem marginal in triple-SLI over dual, but hey, those drivers probably aren’t finished and these cards aren’t official, so we recommend withholding judgment until it’s all legit.


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Apple seeds updated iPhone 2.0 beta, not many changes

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Looks like Apple’s been passing around a new working version of the iPhone 2.0 beta firmware — not too many changes since the last release we saw, though. So far, from what we can tell the build is now officially 2.0 (before it was registered as 1.2), the Cisco VPN settings got some tweaks, and the root-level mail / ActiveSync settings have been reshuffled a bit. We’ll let you know if anything else pops up.


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Windows XP-powered Eee PC laptop: $400, April 9th

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Sounds like we’ve finally got a price and a date for the XP powered Eee PC: $400, and April 9th. The hardware’s identical to current-gen Eee PCs, though, so if you’re happy with your little white lappy and are itching for XP you might try to pick up a license on eBay. Still, if all goes well for ASUS, they’ll be selling 4x what they did the first time around, innit?

P.S. -If you are, for whatever reason, itching to read more about current hardware running the 7 year old OS, Laptop’s got a hands-on. Nothing that wasn’t already out there though.


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Yet another Microsoft white space device fails FCC testing

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Although several other companies have submitted white space devices to the FCC — we know Philips has one in, and Google’s making a lot of noise about new and improved reference designs — it looks like Microsoft’s run of bad luck with the tech continues, with yet another white space transceiver unexpectedly failing during FCC tests last week. There’s no word on if the latest unit failed for the same power-related reasons as the previous test devices, but Microsoft’s doing a little damage control and saying that the FCC hasn’t found any interference with TV signals so far, and that it’s easier to pull the plug now and let other, non-MS devices finish out testing. Yeah, we’d say so — at this point Redmond’s bungled attempts to get this stuff working are becoming sort of embarrassing. Google to the rescue?


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Cancer patient has PSP stolen en route to chemotherapy treatment

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There’s depressing gaming stories, and then there are outright travesties. Unfortunately, this case falls squarely into the latter category, as a 7-year old cancer patient had his beloved PlayStation Portable swiped — right along with his medical records, a backpack full of medication, his games and even his homework — while en route to a chemotherapy treatment for a tumor in his brain. Apparently the boy’s family had stopped at a restaurant while traveling from Oklahoma to Texas, and while inside, thieves had their way with what was left inside the vehicle. Thankfully, authorities from the Dallas police department came to the rescue by purchasing a brand new PSP and raising over $1,000 to repurchase the goods that were lost, and as for the crooks, we’ll just trust karma to handle the rest.

[Via PSPFanboy, image courtesy of Flickr]


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Tech Blog by Ezra Hill