Filed under: Home Entertainment

We’re sure you’ve been drooling over Sony’s sexy little 11-inch XEL-1 OLED TV since the official launch last month, and though we thought that only the Japanese would be lucky enough to snap one up this year, Sony Electronics President Stan Glasgow has just revealed that US customers may actually have a shot at the 3-millimeter thick waif by holiday time. At a roundtable discussion this morning at the Sony Club in New York, Glasgow told the assembled journalists that “OLED could come [here] before the end of the year,” but that the decision would be based significantly on foreign demand and panel supply — an area where yields are still reportedly quite low. In other words, while you shouldn’t go squirreling your ~$1,800 away just yet, you should start praying to the gods of consumer electronics that the XEL-1 hits Tokyo with little more than a whisper.
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