Filed under: Misc. Gadgets, Transportation

Those looking to head outdoors with minimal exertion now have another pair of motorized options to accommodate their lazy ways, with the recently introduced iShoes and Skatemaster skateboard each promising to propel you along at the push of a button. Only the Skatemaster is actually available to order at the moment, however, with it promising a top speed of 11 mph and a range of 6-7 miles. It’ll set you back £139.99 for the small model and £144.99 for a slightly larger version. The iShoes, on the other hand, boast a slightly risky top speed of 15 mph, and should carry your 5 to 7 miles before needing a recharge. While you can’t get your hands on ’em just yet, the developer is apparently “getting them ready for sale,” although there’s no word on what they’ll cost or exactly when they’ll be available.
Read – Skatemaster Electric Skateboard [Via Red Ferret]
Read – iShoes [Via Green Daily]
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