Just a quick note that Learning Strategies has agreed to extend the PhotoReading discount for StevePavlina.com readers for two more weeks.  This discount will end on Friday, October 5, 2007.
The discount is 59% off the regular Internet pricing, so the basic course is $99.95 instead of $245, and the deluxe course is $218.95 instead of $530. See the PhotoReading page for details — that page will give you the coupon code to get the discount if you want it.
I’m fairly certain the PhotoReading discount will not be extended beyond October 5th, since Learning Strategies said they could push it to about 5 weeks max, and we’re already past 3 weeks. The longer this discount runs, the greater the risk that some of Learning Strategies’ regular Internet sales will be cannibalized (such as by people finding it via Google), so it may not be in their best financial interest to offer it indefinitely.
If you’d like to read my last update after one year of PhotoReading, you’ll find it here.
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