Filed under: Announcements

Remember how we told you not to buy a new iPod? Well, tomorrow’s the day when we find out exactly what you’ve been waiting for as Apple shows off its fall / winter gadget lineup. Will it be the touchscreen iPod? The nano fatty? Some other wackjob rumor mysteriously come true? Whatever Steve pulls out of his hat, you know where to go for the most complete and up to the second event coverage.
Go here and bookmark this page, it’s where the action happens Wednesday morning.
7:00AM – Hawaii
10:00AM – Pacific
11:00AM – Mountain
12:00PM – Central
1:00PM – Eastern
5:00PM – GMT
6:00PM – London
7:00PM – Paris
2:00AM – Tokyo (September 6th)
P.S. -Now’s your chance to chime in with the usual timezones / predictions / wish lists / Steve Jobs curses and/or exultations in comments. Enjoy yourself.
P.P.S. -We really wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to opt out of all the Apple news. Well, now’s your chance — here’s how it’s done.
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